Julia: And he is a son to me! And a real father would never do what you did. From now on you stay away from him! Christian: Julia, you’re being way too dramatic here. Sophia Lopez Julia: What you do with your life and where you stick your dick, is your business. Grubman: Do you want the lights on or- Christian: Off. Matt: And the humiliations just keep on coming, don't they? Sean: Before we leave, you need to shave your genital region. It's like I've moved back into Hell House. Sean: I've got a son who tried to cut off his penis, a wife who flushed a gerbil. Liz: You really want to get inside a woman? Stop thinking like a dick. Nanette Babcock Sean: Did she indicate that if you slept with her she’d drop the lawsuit? Christian: Are you actually telling me to stick my dick in the crypt keeper to make your mistake go away?

I didn't mean for you to catch me in the middle of a DoubleMint moment right there. Matt: She needs to know that evil exists.Ĭhristian: I'm sorry. And, Matt, don't show Annie The Exorcist again. Matt: You guys need to stop dealing in stupid half measures and either shit or get off the pot. Mandi/Randi Sean: Have you ever done twins? Christian: Mother and daughter once but never twins. But at least you got a good set of tits out of it so heal in more way than one and just go on with your life. Liz: If it's any consolation to you, honey, you're not the first girl he's done this to. Sean: My god, when was the last time we went to bed and you didn't hate me? This marriage doesn't even have a pulse anymore. Julia: And on your watch, a death has occurred. Starting today, I'm transforming myself.Ĭhristian: Symmetry is perfect.I can't recommend surgery, Julia. Sean: For years, I've been transforming other people. Sean: Still have a crush on the missus, do we? Christian: Let the records show that I dated her first and passed off my sloppy seconds to you. Christian: If you’re thinking conflict of interest, I’d like to volunteer my services. We’re getting ready this morning, and Julia tells me she wants her breasts done.

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Which is why I want to hire a full time psychologist to screen people better. I want to be perfect.Ĭhristian: What is it that we’re doing, Sean, other than make people feel good about themselves? Sean: What we do is let people externalize the hatred they feel about themselves. Sean: Do you want it fine, or do you want it perfect? Sean: Did you try and catch it? Julia: I would've, but I was too busy cleaning up the trail of shit it left everywhere. Pilot Sean: Tell me what you don't like about yourself. Nip/Tuck is a television show, airing on the FX network, about the lives of two Miami plastic surgeons, as their lives threaten to fall apart under the stress of greed, envy, lust and crime.